Elena Kalis – Photography

Elena Kalis










Russian photographer Elena Kalis brings to life all kinds of magical stories, from her creative fantasy worlds to her darker, more serious work. It’s no mystery that the Bahamas-based artist is inspired by the ocean. She says “It’s vast and multifaceted. One day it is bright, sunny and fun. Yet there is another side which is darkness, unconsciousness, death. I can never get tired from it and it is my main daily dose of inspiration.”

In this collection, each image features the curiosities of a young boy or girl, simply exploring the world from a new perspective. Using the already natural and gorgeous backdrop of the Bahamas, Kalis brings to the surface a world of imagination, surrounded by rainbows of vivid colors and sparkling sunshine.

Kalis has incredible talents for working underwater. Her compositions are stunning and her young subjects (sometimes her daughter) are perfect for the stories that she tells. When asked about the challenges of working below the surface, Kalis said, “Nothing works the same way as in the ground. It’s like you are in another dimension. But this is why it is so interesting…” Via My Modern Met.

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  1. Reblogged this on izzyginge.

  2. Toad

     /  July 24, 2012

    Reblogged this on thisoldtoad and commented:
    I am very impressed with your work, I believe they are magnificent photos…

  3. Toad

     /  July 24, 2012

    I am very impressed with your work, I believe they are magnificent photos…

  4. These images are beyond amazing, love every single one. The top one must be a fave though, really plays with your perception.

  5. Reblogged this on Blue Giraffe Images and commented:
    Not only are these amazing pictures, but it really gets you thinking about how you can rotate your images to create a whole new perspective. Amazing ideas.

  6. Amazing artwork! Each photo is truly breathtaking.

  7. seocom1

     /  July 25, 2012

    Reblogged this on seocom1 and commented:
    I am always impressed when you can photograph children.

  8. These photos have appeared so many times, separately, all over the web. So grateful to finally know they were photographed by one person, and who it was. Thank you. You are like an art hero of a noble cause for putting these blogs up!

  9. Thank you! I am just so happy other people enjoy all of this stuff as much as I do 🙂

  10. Beautiful work, bravo!


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